This website explores the lives of ordinary people in Colorado history, particularly focusing on Colorado’s immigrant past. We draw on census data to try to understand patterns in the lives of individuals in different Colorado counties. Although we focus on those born outside the United States, we don’t really limit ourselves to looking at only immigrants; we also dig into overall occupational and demographic patterns county by county.
The site is built by the labors of students in the First-Year Seminar Immigrant Colorado at the University of Colorado Boulder. The site was established in August 2018, and the first county & census we worked on was Weld County in 1920. That fall, we also did some work on mapping individual City of Boulder residents from the 1920 census. Then in Fall 2019 we took the Boulder County 1920 census and did some work on that, as well as added some maps (mostly of Boulder but also some of Longmont.)